Mushroom Chicken Bun

With our in-house marination, these buns are well-liked across generations. We hope to bring this homely flavour to every corner of the world.

Oyster Char Siu Bun

With our in-house recipe of dark Char Siew, these buns are marinated to their sweet perfection. We hope to bring this flavourful cuisine to every corner of the world.

Braised Pork Bun

A traditional Hokkien dish every Chinese household can relate with. The rich and savoury recipe is passed down across numerous generations. We hope to bring this nostalgic homegrown cuisine to every corner of the world.

Hainanese Chicken Bun

Inspired by Singapore’s well-loved local cuisine, the Hainanese Chicken Rice – an aroma truly representative of Singapore. Using familiar household ingredients, we hope to bring this all-time favourite to every corner of the world.

BBQ Chicken Bun

Using in-house marination and grilling recipe, the slight charred hopes to bring out its aroma. Proven to be well-liked, this is definitely one of the top products to pick from!

Curry Chicken Bun

Aims to celebrate local cuisine – Curry Chicken flavour, a distinct household name in Singapore. The fragrance of spices and spiciness of curry powder are definitely one that will keep asking for more than one serving!